Wednesday, November 25, 2009

When it rains, it pours

Apparently the saying 'things will get worse before they get better' actually IS true. I know because I'm going through it right now. My personal life has taken another big blow (and NOT in a good or naughty way!) and I am having to focus on all of that right now. One step at a time, one day at a time is about all I can do at this point.

In other news...good news...ok, fine, yummy news...there's a new local boy I've been getting to know and have had two chances for us to get together for some fun. I don't have a nickname for him yet, nothing has really struck a chord as a way to identify him as I do the other boys but I'm working on it. We're working on plans to spend a few hours together as these short little meet-ups don't seem to be satisfying our cravings for the naughtiness we're both desiring in our lives. I'll certainly post the juicy details when/if that happens.

EC and I have reconnected a bit. I've scaled things back as far as my expectations of what I can get from him. I know he has his own life issues he's dealing with so how can I expect 100% from him when I can't do the same? I enjoy spending time with him and I like him so we'll keep in touch, get together when we can and if he ever feels the need to take out some aggression in the way of a flogger or a crop on my ass....I guess I'll just have to suffer through it, right??

That's all for now folks!! Stay naughty!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Current Updates

I know it's been a while since I've written anything here. I've had alot going on in my personal life, which noone here wants to hear about, as well as drama in my 'other' life....the life that I share with my readers here. Because of all that I haven't felt the compulsion to write much at all but I think I'm at a point where I can see the air clearing a bit for me and woke up today wanting to write about it all.

Where to start??

Let's start with EC. Maybe I should end this blog post with EC because that's basically where things are with him. The End. After several attempts to establish with him where things are and what we both want from our time together I was still left feeling as if we weren't on the same page. I think our biggest issue is our own personal lives getting in the way of things developing between us. After a week of not hearing from him I decided mentally and emotionally I needed to move on.

On to the brit! The brit is the newest boy for me and we spent some initial time getting to know each other. We've had some voicechat sessions, some vanilla, some D/s related that have been great fun! I've had him send me a few audio files of when I've allowed him to play. Good grief those are HOT! And yes, I've gotten off more than once from listening to those audio files. Yum! Things aren't always 100% perfect between us but that's part of the learning process and I enjoy my time with him.

There's a new boy in town. Literally, in the town I live in. I've been wanting to find a local boy to play with for a while now and I met someone through Fetlife a few weeks ago. We've been chatting quite consistently and it seems that he's very interested in pursuing exploring his sub side (he claims to be a switch with not much sub experience). Fingers crossed!

I've recently gotten reacquainted with the Alpha. To see the entire story about him, click on the link for the Doms in my life. About a month ago we got reconnected via emails and texting, which I am being cautious about since it was very emotionally hard for me to move past he and I being over. I'm not sure we'll ever get back to what we had when things were good between us, but I'm confident that at this point we both recognize how much we enjoy having each other in our lives and remain there for a very long time. Aside from me discovering my submission by getting to know him, he is a very good friend and we'll always have a strong bond.

I guess that's about it for now as far as updates go. I know they weren't very exciting but maybe it'll help explain why I've been a bit remiss in my posting duties here.